
Your source for VALUE!

Value can be measured in many ways. At PaymentStuff.com we make it our job to provide value to merchants in everything we do. We want every interaction to be informative or helpful for every merchant.

We start by pricing our products as competitively as possible. We won't promise to always be the "cheapest", but we really don't want that title anyway. We will, however, always provide you with fair prices on quality products.

While pricing is always important, it isn't necessarily our most valuable offer for merchants. Our wide variety of resources, links, and QuickTips will provide long-term value that will far exceed the cost savings we offer on equipment.

If you find VALUE in PaymentStuff.com, please tell others.

Quick Links to
Card Companies

American Express
Diners Club

The PaymentStuff.com QuickTip:

Manual imprinters are still a necessity for all retail businesses. Using them on key-entered sales will help protect you from costly chargebacks. Dig out your old "knuckle-buster" and keep it (along with sales slips) close to your register.
Click Here for more QuickTips!